Thursday Jodha Akbar Update 25 July 2020: Jalal tells doctor that I have my own homely doctor in case of emergency pointing to jodha, hamida smiles, they leaves, ruks stops jalal and kisses his hand, she thanks him for everything. jalal says I will spend time with you after finishing my work.
Jodha Akbar Wednesday Update 24 July 2020
adham is in practicing area, he gets his sword and says it has calmness and sharpness both like this slatant, atgah and todar comes there, adham offer then to have sword practice with him, atgah says I am busy now, adham says I am just asking for few minutes, todar tells atgah to show adham your power, atgah goes and have fight with him, jalal comes and ask what is happening here, todar tells him about their practice, adham attacks atgah and atgah loses his sword, jalal comes there and appreciates atgah, jalal says I havnt practiced for many so whats says should we practice, adham says I will be happy, they start fighting, fight gets little serious, adham keeps attacking jalal but jalal fights and throws adham on ground, he breaks his sword in two pieces with his attack, adham is angry and looks at his broken sword, jalal gives his hand to adham and makes him get up from ground, jalal says you are still the best soldier of mugahal but don’t forget that anger can make yourself inured, adham says some soldiers cant fight without anger and hatred in heart, jalal says those are not soldiers but criminals.
maham comes to ruks, ruks ask her to come and says I knew you will come, maham says I listened that experienced doctor said that you are pregnant, how you did that, ruks says so you accept you lost?
maham says I accept my lose, tell me, ruks says think, maham says you may have given her money, ruks says no, maham says you may have threaten her, ruks says I just used my mind, flashback shows ruks applying cream to women looklike her and who is pregnant, she lied down there and doctor checked her instead of ruks, fb ends, maham says you did great, I have one question that after some months what will you do when bump will not show up, ruks says lets celebrate now I will do something. I am happy that for some time I am able to separate jalal and jodha, maham says if you need anything then tell me, she leaves.
jodha comes to salima, salima ask her to sit, jodha says I made halwa so thought to give you, salima says you make it when you are fasting, jodha says yes ia m fasting for puja which is for ruks and her child and husband wife do this puja, salima says then jalal must be going with you, jodha says no as someone from us should be with ruks, I don’t want to take ruks, salima says someone else can take care of her, jodha says he doesn’t trust bandhi, salima says but he trust me, I will take care of her, jodha ask what about Rahim, salima says bandhies will see him, salima says jalal should go with you and I know you will not ask jala so I will ask him to go with you, jodha says but, salima says you take me as sister then don’t worry and prepare for puja.
atgah is with his wife, jalal comes there and says I came to see your hand, atgah says I can take life of enemies still, jalal says I know your strength but seeing adham’s anger today I felt like there is something in him, what is this. atgah says when you were out to find jodha, I told adham that there is corruption in finance and adham shouted that its problem of finance ministry, I think he felt bad for it, jalal you were doing your duty, atgah says I can serve you all my life, jalal says I lost my guider earlier so be careful.
jalal is in her room, salima comes there, jalal says I was waiting for you, she says today I didn’t come to advise you but to ask something for you, jalal ask what? she says 1st promise me you will not say no, jalal says okay. salima tells him about puja that jodha is going to do for ruks and her child and in that puja it is important that husband and wife sit together but she is worried for ruks that there should be someone for her care, jalal says its important that somebody remains with ruks, salima says I am capable too, I am like her sister, I will be with her so you go with jodha, jalal agrees.
jalal comes to jodha and says I am going out, I have to go to pray for ruks, you be with ruks as salima will be with rahim, jodha says I am also going to do puja for ruks, I thought you will stay with ruks, jalal says why didn’t you tell me about puja? jodha says I was about to tell, husband have to participate with wife but there should be someone with ruks. I am going alone you go some other time, jalal says you talk a lot, one side you say we have to go together otherside saying that you are going alone, one side you say you love me otherside you want to be away with me, I cant understand what you say and think, when you love me then why don’t you say your wishes desires to me, why salima have to tell me about your desires, he is putting his hand of her mouth, jalal says to jodha that I got to know everything from salima so I asked salima to take care of ruks today while I will go with you to mandir, jodha is happy. other side shehnaz says jalal and jodha together going out, this is my chance. . jodha says I have to go walking only, jalal says I will go with you as when you are with me, every journey is good. they come out of room and start walking, jalal says I listened that you are fasting(roza), today is hot day are you feeling hungry, jodha says yes I am fasting(vrat) for this puja and I have faith so no problem with weather, shehnaz comes there and says I will go with you jodha to mandir, she insists, jodha pacifies her saying that I am going with jalal now we will go some other day, shsenaz says okay and leaves, jodha says to jalal that now don’t say that I have talent to pacify, jalal says you made me realize that I have heart and now you know whats going in my heart, what you cant do with anger you do it with love, jodha is shy as jalal is close, jalal says lets go.
jalal and jodha comes to ruks, ruks says I was waiting for you only, jalal tells her that there is puja for your child so me and jodha to mandir, ruks says there should be one of you with me, jalal says jodha was saying same but don’t worry salima will be with you, ruks says I prepared to spend time with you, hamida comes and says I will be with ruks too, we will talk and you will not miss jodha and jalal, ruks fakes smile.
jalal and jodha are walking on road, jodha says jalal, jalal ask whether you are tired, jodha says no, you came here with me and walking with me, I feel really good, jalal smiles and gives her hand. jodha holds his hand and they walk together, someone watches them. jodha and jalal comes to mandir, they rings the bell, pundit says I pray for you child shehenshah, I pray that he will be a very good king, he says come for havan. they do the havan holding hands, pundit says that what you wish for your child say in each others ears, jalal whispers in jodha’s ears that I wish my child tease you more then me, I wish that he obeys you and he be with you in every step, he loves you more than me, jodha smiles and whispers in jalal’s ears that I wish that our child will be a great warrior, great king, great human and he may have love for everyone in his heart. jalal smiles at her. (ishq hai who ehsas plays).
jalal and jodha come out of mandir, jalal says to soldier that we are t charity house, I want to g alone, soldier says atgah asked us to not leave you, jalal says okay I will take 4 soldiers as kids will be frightened seeing s many soldiers, jalal and jodha are going in jungle, jalal says atgah care a lot abut me, jodha says he should be, he is your father like, jalal says I respected him that’s why took 4 soldiers, jodha says ouch, jalal ask what, jodha says prick hurt my foot, jalal says let me see, jdha says don’t touch my feet, jalal says its my order that I will see your feet, he takes out prick and says it didn’t hurt and is ut, he ask how she knows abut orphanage, jodha says moti told me about it, kids will happy to see us. jalal and jodha are going, soldiers following them get attacked one by one, someone then throws net on jalal and jodha, they get trapped, atgah finds sldiers n entrance of jungle and ask where is jalal, they say jalal and jodha went t charity house, he says I will see you later 1st I have to find jalal and jodha, jalal says to jodha that it seems some enemy attacked. some g00n c0mes there, jalal sasy d you knw who I am, I am king I will give you punishment f0r this, gon says you are hostage here n0t king, jalal says whom you work for, who asked you t attack us. they leaves.
atgah searching for jalal, he stops and says there is some problem, it seem like someone is dragged from jungle, there are blood stains, they see deadbodies of three soldiers who were with jalal, jalal says to take ut knife frm my pocket, who says you tell important in end, jalal says I was waiting for them to leave, jodha gives him knife, jalal cuts the net and cmes out, he fights with goons, jdha is still trapped in net, jalal cuts the net, jdha is about to fall but jalal takes her in arms, they smiles, jodha get up from his arms, she say we should leave, jalal says why so early, jdha says do yu want to fight all alone here, jalal says I have seen you practicing sword fighting nw I want to see you in war. jodha says you are challenging me, jalal says kind off, jodha takes sword from jalal and says okay.
maham comes t hamida and ask why you called me, hamida says jalal and jodha went to charity house but soldiers were killed and they are kidnaped, she says atgah is not here then yu have to take the responsibility and see everything, maham assures her that she will see to the matter.
javeda is putting beauty cream, maham cmes and ask where is adham khan, javeda says shut up cant yu see I am busy, maham shouts how dare you talk to me like, javeda says ww nw yu are back to normal. she ask how I am looking mre beautiful then before? maham says I have important wrk, where is adham, javeda says he desnt have time for me I don’t know about him, maham ges from there/.
jalal and jdah sees kidnapper outside, jalal is going to them, jodha says where are yu going, we have to be away from them, jalal says my way is different, they disrespected my special wife and if I leave from here without giving them punishment then I am useless king, use this sword in any emergency, he goes t them., jalal fights with goons, sme goon is about t attack jalal but joodha attacks him, jodha says how you will fight alone, jalal says I have faith n you, jalal and jodha together fights with all, jalal says only two are left, should we divdide them, jodha says I think I should handle them both, jalal and jodha fights with them, atgah comes there and says whats this, jalal says I am fine, atgah says its not that you always come out of security, this is nt good that you go in prblems, jalal says I will nt do this again, will have security with me, and I had whle frce(pointing at jodha) with me, atgah says I will g behind goons you g back, he leaves, jodha says yu got injured jalal, jalal says its normal fr warrior, but I cant believe it was you, you were beating them all over them, jodha says lets go.
maham ask about adham from resham, resham says he is out since morning, why are you worried, maham says someone attacked jalal, I an worried if adham is behind this, resham says then jalal will cut his hand, she slaps resham and says adham is my son.
adaham meets one goon who ran from jalal and jodha, he informs that jalal and jdha killed all only I am left, adham says why and kills him too. atgah cmes there, adham hides. atgah sees goon deadbody there and says he is same who ran from jalal, soldier ask who killed him, atgah says for whm he wrks might have killed him so that we cant catch him, he ask to search place, adham hides, soldiers says there is n one here.
jodha makes jalal sit on stone, jalal why, jodha says to cure yur wounds, don’t talk much it distracts me, she goes to get something, she comes back with some plant and puts it on jalal’s wound, jalal says yu als got wounds, he puts remedy on her wounds, jdha smiles, jalal says I cant understand you, once you took our gun powder frm my gun and now you were standing infrnt of me t fight, jodha says that time I saved a innocent animal and now I did that to protect yu.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Friday Update 26 July 2020