Jodha senses something fishy tries to shout but he says its me sujamal jodha ask you how dare to come here after this big betrayal how you came here. He says he fought for his rights. He fought for throne. Jodha says and what about suryaban he says he regrets it. He says bharmal is betraying you jodha ask him to stop but he says he can’t let this happen the one jalal whom you hate most is.. Jodha cuts in because of same jalal bharmal is marrying me to stand in-front suja is confused by her talks. Jodha says you didnt do anything for surya or other brothers. Suddenly all brothers comes suja start fighting with his sword and hit his brother. Suja says to jodha ask bharmal to save his throne with whom he made the deal. Jodha ask other brother what suja has said. He leaves excusing to catch him.
masa is with bharmal saying why dont you tell jodha the truth. Jodha comes from behind. Bharmal tries to act happy he ask bhagwan das this cut on your hand. He says suja came here bharmal fumes saying why he came here after betraying. Jodha says he wanted to meet me saying bharmal has cracked deal with someone all shocked jodha says but she didnt listen to him all are relieved. One letter comes bharmal reads saying marriage letter it is. They are coming to saamgar and marriage will happen there. Bharmal order start preparing to leave for saamgar. Jodha says to masa that this is her last night in amer dont worry I am ready.
maham addressing to force people saying everybody should be prepared for anything . These kings agreed for marriage but we can’t trust them jalal comes and says you care for me a lot. Maham says others also care for him. Jalal ask whom. Maham says you didn’t inform maryam bano and rukiya begam. Jalal says not needed he wants to see their faces when one more queen comes in harem.
jodha does the puja of lord she is dressed beautifully. Masa halfheartedly make her wear jewelry. Sukaniya and all are crying. Jodha also has tears in her eyes. She caresses sukaniya. Masa make her wear dupatta and kisses her head. Jodha is leaving amer all are with her masa comes with lord idol and gives it to jodhas saying keep it forever. Jodha remembers her childhood. She does the ritual of hand prints. Jodha says she crossed this gate of palace many times against parents will but today its very difficult. She prays for amer’s safety, for this palace and parents safety.
voice-over- the story of jodha akbar which had to written in history has started it will join to entities,religions and cultures. Here bhagwan das is ordering servants to prepare and decorate fast. He says its amer so safety should be full proof. Jodha sees mughal forces men and panics she informs das he says this can’t happen you are tired thats why thinking like that jodha says jalal came to know we are here. He denies and ask her to take rest. She says she is not afraid of mughals but jalal is very cruel he must have came to know about this marriage as it is for amer’s safety. Das says after this marriage amer will be safe ever. She ask who the one who will behead jalal name him. Das says don’t say like this and ask her to leave.
Suja on other hand is in saamgar for jodha’s marriage and says he promised jodha that will safe amer will brothers but couldn’t fulfill but now I will fulfill other promise and will hold jodha’s marriage box(doli) soldeir says its difficult box will go in jalal’s tent. But suja is adamant. Suja says i will come back after this promise. He remembers jodhas bitter words and then surya.
Scene 3
shariffudden brings three amer sons to jalal. Jalal says to serve them good and take care of them as they are now friends not prisoners. He says you are here so that can take part in jodha’s marriage. They are confused. Jalal says your family is in saamgar for my marriage and ask sharif to free them. And to take them to saamgar. He nods. Jalal says yesterday they wanted to behead but now is down headed in front of him.
Scene 4
jalal in jungle for sword practice. Sharif says whether its thunderstorm or anything else you dont forget your daily practice. Jalal says to be ready i will do practice with you today. He here some scream. Jalal goes to find the man. One person put sword on his neck. He his maan singh he says don’t let enemy free he can backfire. Jalal is impressed. Maan says he was practicing here jalal says kill me he says he just want to protect here sister jalal ask you know who i am he nods jalal looks at him he leaves.
bharmal is happy with preparations and says hope everything goes well. Suddenly brothers that were prisoners come. Everyone is happy and delighted and greets them they ask whats all this. Bharmal says go take rest we will discuss later. Bhagwan das says jodha doesn’t know about they ask what he informs about marriage. They says its fraud but das says will explain later. jodha comes and take blessing from them. Suja in disguise is also there. All are emotional. Jodha says knew bharmal will do something for you maa’s prayer are with them. They do the puja. Menawati ask dadi what will happen now jodha will see jalal and if she will do something. Dadi says there is one ritual kankan bandhan that bride groom cant see each other before marriage. One man stares them. Here priest is doing puja along with jodha. Every body is little tensed. Priest ties knot on her hand. Jalal is informed by that man that jodha can see him before marriage . He says this injustice and ask to inform them he want to see her before marriage. Doesn’t care about their rituals.
bharmal says jalal want to see her dadi says but we did kankan puja this is not possible .he says its his order he want to see her he made his mind cant do anything. They think of something.
jalal reached saamgar to see jodha. He see that halwai who talked ill about him. He closes his eyes jalal smiles and pats him. He says jalal pardoned me. Jalal with maham comes to hall all rajputs are also there his welcome is grand. Bharmal greets them and ask to come in. One rajput interrupts and says according to ritual first mother will welcome than you can come in. Masa with dadi comes jalal smiles. Masa remembers shugni bai’s words and she has her head down and doesn’t look at jalal. Someone tells she want to put tilak on your head. Maham fumes as jalal bows down she puts on his head smilingly she than remembers jodha’s word to make her take revenge against jalal. She does the rituals maham is not at all happy. Jalal comes in all welcome him. He sees water tub and sees his face with tilak. He looks at bharmal and says to start munh dikhai (face revealing ceremony) they obliges. Jodha comes in veil voiceover- jodha’s every step towards her future which she didn’t thought in her wildest dream. Their bg plays akbar cant stop smiling jodha sits in front of him. Maham comes and ask akbar to get up. Jodha and akbar gets up and see their faces in water tub. Their song plays
Jodha remembers ganghaur meet. Jalal says subhanallah God made you in very leisure time. Jodha is hell shocked. Breeze is high her veil comes off and she looks at jalal smiling. She remembers jalal cruelty and her promise that will behead him. Than when she put sword on his neck. She looks at bharmal than jalal camera pans on them. Jodha fuming while jalal smiling. She runs away from there. Jalal smiles more broadly and is very happy. Jodha is running from hallway and comes to her room. She remembers bharmals words to accept this marriage for amer and sons safety.
Than suja’s words. She remembers every moment . She puts hands on her head and is shivering badly. She takes out her diamond ring and about to eat it. Masa comes and stops her. Jodha says you hide this from me. My marriage with jalal whats my fault you all knew about it. I thought i was marrying one who will save amer but i am marrying with amer’s biggest enemy. She ask bharmal you also. Everyone is crying. Jodha looks up and runs from there also. Bharmal stops menawati and says dont stop her. Bharmal says doesnt know whether jalal didnt like jodha’s reaction what will happen now.
maham says cant believe bride runs away seeing india’s king. Jalal speaks in favor of jodha saying she didnt know she was marrying me maham ask now what jalal says will fulfill my promise.
Scene 9
bharmal and das tensed about jalal’s reaction towards jodha’s actiom. Maham and sharif comes. They greets them bharmal ask you here maham says here to give gifts for jodha which was halted by her earlier. They put down gifts it is very much includes diamonds, golds bharmal ask this much maham says he is india’s king. Maham says jalal’s wish is that jodha should accept nikkah’s dress with her own hands. All panics menawati goes to bring her.She comes to jodha . Jodha jerks her off and says never hide anything from you but what you did bharmal is king he did that for kingdom but you are my masa why you. Masa says i am your masa but king’s wife and queen also. Jodha ask you want me …? Masa says its not question . Question is what about bharmal’s promise. What about his pride what about amer. She informs her your in-laws are waiting outside for you and says everything is in your hand. Jodha looks at her.
masa says to jodha your in-laws are waiting for you to accept the gift. Jalal didnt mind when you ran off but now everything is in your hand. Jodha wipes her tears and gets up to meet them. Outside everyone is waiting jodha comes all dressed up maham and all looks on.
Maham gets up and says curtly this dress is for you for your nikkah maham says if tailor tries to make another dress like this he will loose his hand jodha fumes seeing all gifts she remembers mughal soldiers stolen the maa’s jewelry and accepts the dress but turns around and puts it on fire all are shocked maham tries to blow off the fire and takes the dress.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Monday Update 16 March 2020