Sharif says to his man that i will go to Agra myself, Maan’s men are everywhere, u dont want any mistake to be done, i will become ill person so that they allow me to enter Agra.
Jalal wakes up in his tent and says why i am feeling hot suddenly, he comes out of his tent, he looks in sky, a strong light comes on earth from sky, Jalal is shocked, sky starts lightening, Jalal ask what is this, what miracle is this, he tries to touch the light but gets hurt, he says what is this thing, he finds other people not able to the light, Jalal ask what kind of storm is this? spiritual soul says storm is in your heart,
when that storm is finished, this storm of sky will go too, you were given duty to help people, you were send to people as angel but what you did? you demeaned angels, Jalal ask who are you? suddenly light from sky goes off, Jalal ask what was that? was i seeing a dream, he ask a man that storm came here now, Man says what storm? no storm came here, you have to work, go, Jalal says i dont do work. Man says are you thinking yourself as king? we are common people not king, we have to do hard work to get food. come with me, Jalal goes with him.
Scene 3
Jalal is making food, he thinks that God took everything from me so i can see how people love, he made me learn how to work, how to earn food, now i will work hard, Jodha comes there and finds him working, other people are praising Jalal for his hard work, Jodha says to Jalal that leave the work, Jalal says i am common person, i will have to work hard to earn something and i have you with me to take care of me, Jodha smiles, head comes there and ask Jalal to make food fast, do you wife make food this much slow too? Jalal says my wife make such a good food in palace, head says palace? Jalal says everyone is king in his house and every house is palace for family, head says ok i will call your wife(ruks), she will make food, she leaves, Jodha says what was the need to say that your wife make good food, now ruks is in problem, Jalal smiles.
One person Jagdev comes to village, he starts distributing grains in poor, he meets Jodha and says that you are doing great for people, Jodha introduces Jalal to him, the head of village(lady) says to Jagdev that the grains you have brought is very much less for people here, Jagdev says our king doesnt care for us, i went to his manager and asked them to give us some more grains but he denied, i brought these grains from my house, Jalal thinks who it can be? he says to Jodha that i had send grains for this village then why it didnt reach here, he thinks who is the one doing this? who doesnt want to help people. one man ask Jagdev that you seem to like JOdha thats why you come here, Jagdev says are you in your senses to demean a lady like Jodha.
Soul Talk- Jalal’s soul says that we were trying to help people, we were busy in restoring people and otherside there was Mira Hakim who was ready to attack Agra.
Ministers are discussing about Mirza’s attack, Minister says that Mirza knows about all the ways to palace, he is dangerous, Birbal says its time for war, he ask Murad and Daniyal to lead the war, Haidar says they dont have experience of war, Salim says i will go to war, i will lead it as i have learning and experience too, one minister Fazal says that you cant leave palace, you are needed here, Salim says i am heir so i will decide it, he ask Birbal to prepare for his journey, Haidar smirks.
one man comes to Jalal and informs him silently that Birbal will come to meet him.
some minister(face is not shown) comes to godown, all the grains are stored there, he ask many cartons of grains are stored here? Man says 310, he says okay.
Jalal is lying in his tent when Jodha comes there, he says you should have not come hree, anybody can see you, Jodha puts cream on his wound on his hand, she says i am telling you to leave from here, people here hate king Jalal and if they get to know that you Jalal then they will be dangerous for you and also i cant see you in pain, Jalal says i came to meet you but now i feel good to work here, also i wanna know that who is the person who is not letting grains come here from palace, Jodha says in tought times people changes their opinion but you are firm to help people, Jalal says soon good time of people will come, but i wanna know when i sent grains to this village then why it didnt reach here, Jodha says it seems like someone is behind all this, Jalal says i will soon find out who is behidn this conspiracy.
Ruks is working, she thinks that why i brought Jalal here, in palace i used to enjoy Hukkah and here i am working like servants, her hand gets burned, Jodha comes there and says that your husband praised your food so i want to taste the food you are making, Jodha tastes it and says what kind of food is this? you have put so much spice in it, why you are making food when you dont know how to make it, just deny making food, head says to Jalal that you said your wife make good food, Jalal says husbands like food cooked by wives, head says i will make food from now on, Ruks angrily leaves from there, Jalal says now i will have to pacify her.
Ruks is crying in her room, Jalal comes to her, Ruks says Jodha didnt do good, i am royal wife, nobody talks to me in loud tone, how can she shout on me, i will not tolerate this, Jalal says Jodha cant disrespect you, Ruks says i was helping her only, Jodha comes there and says yes i disrespected you and for purpose, she should know why i did this, i did this so that you can get free from all this work, i am sorry for misbehaving with you, if i didnt do it then you would have to work here, Ruks says i thought you wrong, you were helping me only, thanks, Jodha leaves, Ruks says to Jalal that i was wrong about Jodha.
Scene 2
Salim is preparing for war, he says soldiers are only 4000, it is very much less, Birbal says i have one idea, we should use defense policy, let them attack first then we will do our attack, Salim says send letter to Amer’s king and send letters to other kings that we want their soldiers, i want to win this war at any cost.
Shama comes to haidar, Haidar says this mad girl is behind me, Shama is little deaf and doesnt understand him, Haidar ask him to go, i wanna sleep, Shama says why you wanna cry? Haidar says its my mistake that i got you, he runs away from there.
Birbal comes to meet Jalal, birbal says we got to know that Mirza is going to attack Agra, Jalal says it was my mistake, i was lenient with him, Birbal says dont worry, Salim is going on war, he will be leading, Jalal says i am proud of him, send message to Salim that i will join him in war, he ask Birbal why government didnt send grains and medicine here? Birbal says we had send things for this village, Jalal says but it didnt reach here, find out if other villages are not getting it too, Birbal says ok and leaves, two persons are spying on Jalal, they say this man is weird, his acts not good, what he is upto, we have to spy on him.
Jalal is working when he finds stamp of Mughal saltanat on grains carton, he says Jagdev said mughal Saltanat didnt help this village, what is matter, i have to find ut.
Ruks is washing utensils, Moti comes there and scolds her to work fast and she has to wash clothes too, it turns out to be ruks dream, Ruks says what time has come that i see Moti ruling over me too.
Jalal tells about Stamp to Jodha, Jodha says i will find about it. Jagdev comes there and says to Jodha that i prayed for this village and has brought Parsad, he ask Jodha to eat as he has specially brought it for her, Jodha says i eat it or people is same, she ask worker to distribute in people, Jagdev says they are lucky that you are with them, they cant even celebrate holi this time, Jodah says we should celebrate it, Jodha says can i ask one thing? he says yes, she says i found mughal stamp on grains carton, you said Mughal saltanat is not helping us so how did stamp come on it, Jagdev says i bought it from market, maybe government i selling it in market, i didnt see it, he leaves, Jodha says i dont think he is involved in it, Jalal says someone is doing corruption , i will find out.
Scene 4
Salim is getting ready for war, Arama comes there and says i am angry with Hamida, i asked her to let me go on war with you but she denied, Jodha had also gone to war so why cant i? Salim says ok i will take you on war but you need sword, he gives her one sowrd but she cant lift it as it is heavy, Salim says i will take you on war when you become strong, i promise, he says you have to take care of people here, Aram says yes, i have to handle everything here.
soldier’s wives does their aarti, one dasi says to soldier that we will wait for your return and if you dont comeback from war then we will drink poison, Salim comes there and says it will not be needed, he says throw poison bottles, i will not let you use this poison, you lower our confidence by showing this poison, we are not going to lose this war, we will rturn soon.
Jalal finds one injured person in jungle, he ask man how did you get injured, man says i want to send one message to Jalal, i am worker of Maan, tell Jalal that Maan is not betrayer, he ran away from Jail as he got to know about attack of Mirza, he wanted to stop Mirza, tell Jalal that Mirza is not alone, Sharif is involved with him, Sharif attacked me, there is one more person in palace who is with Mirza, Jalal ask to tell name but Man dies, Jalal says i will not let Mirza run away this time.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 24 October 2021