Maham is in darkness, she sits and see some baby, she takes baby in her hand and says to get up and eat something, you have to eat one day, you have to answer my qusetions, i have waited alot, i can wait some more time but i will get what i want, do you understand, she smirks at baby(face is not shown).
Jodha Akbar Sunday Update 7 July 2020
In amer, jalal is shirtless with bandages, he drinks milks and thinks that i know you care about me alot but you are stubborn, but i am your husband and stubborn too, i will pacify you, jodha is making remedy, she ask dasi to put it on jalal’s hands’ wounds, jalal says i dont need it jodha says doctor said you need it, she ask all to leave, she takes remedy and says this is important, jalal says okay aply, jodha calls dasi, jalal thinks i thought you will apply, it, he says no need, i can apply myself, he tries to apply with much difficulty, jodha says wait. she sits beside him, jalal says if you are still angry,
jodha says you need rest, she applies medicine, jalal says till when you dont forgive me, i cant rest, jodha says look otherside, jodha says some wounds are deep, jalal says if remedy is applied it is treated, jalal says i have left my stubborness for you, i came here and cant sleep with seeing you, jodha says remedy is applied and is about to leave, jalal calls out to her and winces in pain, jodha gets wottied and ask him to be careful and holds him, they share an eyelock, she makes him lie on bed, she sits on other side of bed and start taking out jewelry, jalal looks at her smiles and thinks that your wall of stubborness is big but my earth of love is more big, thanks for taking my care. jodha puts net curtain between them.
Scene 2
ruks says wow weather is awesome, i will go out with jalal, she then remembers jalal is not here, she thinks that when will you return, dont you miss, i have no one to talk, she comes to salima and says i am missing jalal, she says jalal will return with jodha, he has hurt her heart so it will take time to pacify her, ruks says i will leave. salima says no you can stay, ruks says no you sleep and leaves.
Scene 3
In night, jodha is standing near jalal, he says what.. jodha stops him saying, she bends down and comes closer to him ,jalal feels awkward, she leans to his face, he moves his face away.
it was snake, jalal shouts, jodha throws it, and sit to other side, jalal says snake roam here like this? jodha says yes and also female snake, she says if i wouldnt have removed it it would have bitten you, jalal says seems you have some animosity with poison, once saved from benazir and now with this snake, why? jodha says you are our guest thats why i did that, she lies with her back to jalal, jalal says innocent snake atleast he was happy with me, jodha looks back at jalal, jalal smiles.
Scene 4
salima and hamida are at dargah, they pray that jalal and jodha get back toghether,hamida says jodha believes on wish, i wish she comes back, salima says we got attach to jodha, they gives things to poors, hamida ask salima to back to palace as rahim is alone there, she leaves. hamida sees maham draping shawl and going in darkness, hamida says why is she going there, i have to find out.
Scene 5
its morning, jalal gets up and says where is jodha, he drapes shawland comes out looking for jodha, he sees jodha practising sword fighting, he says i like this talent of yours, i have seen smile on your face after many days, it makes you more beautiful and i took that smile from you, dasi says its time for your medicine, jalal says i am going t my medicine(jodha). he comes down wearing his gown, jodha looks at him, he greets jodha, she greets back, jalal says you are amazing in sword fighting, shehnaz ask dasi will jalal swordfight with jodha, she says dont know. jalal says to jodha that its beautiful morning,
jodha says injured man should take rest, jalal says injured loin is more dangerous, he shows his sword to her, jodha says i will not be lilient just because you are injured, they start fighting, jalal says you are attacking me like i am your enemy, jodha says battle is battle, dasi says jalal is just defending but jodha is attacking badly, jalal doesnt play his swrod on jodha but she keep attacking him, dasi ask her to be careful, she says then he shouldnt have come here, jalal says its good chance for you, cut off my head i will not say anything, jodha says i am not killer, meena and bharmal comes there, meena says sometime yo behave weird with the one you love, she says jalal is guilty and jodha is angry,
its between them, she will not hurt jalal, let her anger come out, jalal says t jodha that all are seeing us fighting like this, jodha gets busy in looking around, jalal throws her sword and grabs her by neck, he then leaves her and says i could have attacked you, jodha says cheating, everytime you cheat in everything, jalal comes closer and says everything is fair in lovbe and war, jodha fumes and ask shehnaz lets leave. shehnaz ask are you given your heart to him ,jalal shouts you didnt thanks me, i pardoned your life. jodha leaves.
jalal says to jodha that everything is fair in love and war, meena says to bharmal that see jalal seems fine now, he ask about jodha, she says jodha is still angry but jalal is trying, give them time, sometime relation strongs with fight.
maham comes to secret hut and ask man to open gate, hamida is following her, maham goes in, hamida thinks what maham is upto, i should go from here now before anybody sees.
in amer, all men sit for lunch, bahrmal ask about jalal’s health, jalal says wind here is suiting me, i am feeling fine now, dadi says to dasi to give jalal food, jodha is standing near jalal, she makes angry faces, jalal eats, jodha says to dasi to place water on one side and juice on other hand of jalal, he needs it when he eats spicy food, dasi places it. jalal drinks water, jodha is satisfied, he looks at her and nods in thanks. all men finishes lunch, jalal says it was delicious, bharmal says come in ganghuar celebration you will eat more, dadi says there are many things, like wives will have veil on their face and you have to find your wife, jalal says i can recognize jodha with close eyes. jalal leaves. jodha says to meena why dadi invited jalal.
i will not come there now, she says yes you are right, why should you come when you are angry with him, maybe dadi will feel bad so what, you are angry. jodha says no, i think i should come, he is not bad by heart,situation was bad that what he did, meena says i dont understand you, i am on your side, if you are angry then why to come and you will not win, jodha says he is not that inteligent, i will win he wont recognize me, dadi comes, jodha says i will come, participate and will win too. she leaves, meena smiles.
meena says to dadi that i dont understand johd abut i know she loves jalal, dadi says she doesnt good people, meena says when she went earlier from here, it was sacrifice but now i want to send her happily, jodha comes, meena shows her dress and ask will you wear, jodha is silent, dadi says you are pride of amer, so wear it. jodha thinks.
some aatimad khan comes to meet atgah, she is eunuch and is agent to send eunuchs to palace for work, she shows atgah real dilawar khan and says someone snatched his clothes and attacked him and took everything from him, atgah ask who was she, she says she was maham anga, we told her about attack on dilawar but she asked us to not tell about it to anyone, i couldnt understand and i came to you, atgah says we will talk when jalal will come back.
in amer, celebration starts, all wives dances with veil on her, dadi ask him to go and find jodha, he says its good environment here dadisa, she says nice to listen dadi from you, jalal sayy you can call me jalal, she says no its against our traditions, jalal goes to find jodha, she dances.
jalal thinks that good you are running from me but i will find you, jodha is running from jalal, jalal stands in center ang holds hand of one lady, he says till when you will run from mew, soon i will make you mine, he says dadisa i found my wife, he turns her to him and takes off veil, she is jodha. jalal says maybe you are angry with me but this bangle allowed me to find you, jodha recalls how once jalal made her wear it. jalal is holding jodha’s hand infront of all, jodha jerks it away and leaves, bahrmal says please dont mid her, jalal says its okay she is my wife, jalal says to bharmal that maybe she didnt like me holding her hand infront of all thats why ran from here, i will goo and talk with her, he goes.
jodha is going to her room fuming in rage, jalal is coming behind her, he stops jodha and ask now mistake i did? i just holded hand of my wife and you jerked it infront of all, you dont like me touching you so i will not touch you, you dont like mw then i will leave from here but i being a emeperor came behind you, left my palace, my people for you, walked through jungles, deserts for you, only to ask forgiveness but you ego is not breaking dont forget that it all started with your mistake, you hide it from me,jodha says i had promise,i even came to meet yoou but maham stopped me saying you dont wanna meet me, jalal says you came to mee only once and me, i am asking forgiveness from many days, i am trying to talk to you every single minute, i promised hamida that i will bring back her daughter,
what about smal rahim that i said to him that i will bring her choti ammi, its okay that shehenshah lost, a son lost but you won your ego won, i am accpeting my defeat, i am bowing my head infront of you asking you with folded hand that will you come with me, jodha says no never, i took promises with you and you told me bitter words, we took pheras and you doubted me, you left me alone, you can throw me or can ask me to cvomeback, i will come to you when i want, jalal says okay this is your last decision, so my decision is that i am leaving from here, you can ignore me infront of all, but you cant ignore the promises you gave to your mother, mughal sultanat, my people needs me so i am going back, bye.
Read Next: Jodha Akbar Tuesday Update 9 July 2020