On hearing the news about Atgah’s death, Jalal takes law into his hands and brutally kills Adham. Coming up on Jodha Akbar August 2021 Teasers:
Zeeworld Jodha Akbar August 2021 Teasers
Sunday 1 August 2021
Episode 112
Jalal’s reaction to Rukaiya false pregnancy is priceless. Shenaaz sneaks into the palace prison with the hope of finding Chand. Jodha proves her heart is made of gold once again. Rukaiya tells Jodha to stop granting her sympathies.
Monday 2 August 2021
Episode 113
An unknown person has offered to help Shenaaz in her fight. Jalal unites the people with different religions in the state. On this note, the nation awards him with the ‘AKBAR’ (greatest) title. Jodha is over the moon with her husband’s new title as the AKBAR. Meanwhile, another old enemy, Mahachuchak has risen to stop Jalal.
Tuesday 3 August 2021
Episode 114
Wednesday 4 August 2021
Episode 115
Beg has gotten rid of Ghani Khan to let Mahachuchak have her way into Agra easily. Someone poisons the turban Jodha made for jalal. Maham advices Shenaaz to fight Jalal publicly. Jalal holds Zakira responsible for the poisoning.
Thursday 5 August 2021
Episode 116
Todar sees liquid burns on Shenaaz hand. Maham brings Adham to her secret place where Chand is. Todar suspects Shenaaz and begins to follow her every move. Rahim intrude in Jalal’s chance to spending romantic time with Jodha.
Friday 6 August 2021
Episode 117
Shenaaz puts a false allegation of rape on Todar. Haider reluctantly ties the knot with Mahachuchak. Todar is sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit. Later, a huge storm approaches the palace.
Saturday 7 August 2021
Episode 118
Mahachuchak assemble her force and is ready to attack. Shenaaz quits pretending & reveals her true identity. Jalal rescues Todal on time from being hanged. Jalal orders his men to search the prisons for Chand. Meanwhile, Maham is a bit faster in shifting Chand to another location.
Sunday 8 August 2021
Episode 119
Mali & Nigaar plan their next move. At the same time, Mahachuchak army strike on the streets of Agra. Jalal is worried as he refuses to embark on a war with his own relatives. Hamida convinces jalal to fulfill his duty as a king irrespective of who is at stake.
Monday 9 August 2021
Episode 120
All the women prepare to leave the palace. In the meantime, Jodha receives a news from the doctor. Jodha hides her pregnancy news from Jalal so he can focus on his mission.
Tuesday 10 August 2021
Episode 121
Maham and Adham prevent Jalal’s peace letter from reaching Nigaar hence making matters worse between brother and sister. An intense war begins. Nigaar distracts Jalal and have him captured in Mali’s den. Who will protect the women now?
Wednesday 11 August 2021
Episode 122
Jodha boosts the women morale in fighting against Mali and his men. With the help of Rukaiya, Salima and others, Jodha brings Mali to his knees.
Thursday 12 August 2021
Episode 123
Friday 13 August 2021
Episode 124
She begs for forgiveness and unite with jalal. Rukaiya becomes aware of Jodha’s pregnancy. On one side, there are preparations for Jodha’s unborn child ceremony, and on the other side, Mahachuchak has sent khaibar to kill Jalal. Maham fears that Nigaar might reveal her truth to everyone.
Saturday 14 August 2021
Episode 125
The doctor states that Jodha is expecting twins. Celebrations are ongoing within the palace. Meanwhile, Khaibar is causing a big havoc outside the palace. Khaibar kidnaps Jodha.
Sunday 15 August 2021
Episode 126
Hamida is tensed when Jodha visits Khaibar in prison. A new girl makes her entry and Jalal is unable to take her off his mind. Who could she be and what is her mission?
Monday 16 August 2021
Episode 127
Tuesday 17 August 2021
Episode 128
Khaibar has gone missing from jail. Jalal insists on killing Khaibar without mercy but Jodha disagrees. Jalal accuses Jodha for humiliating him in public.
Wednesday 18 August 2021
Episode 129
Maham watches Jalal confessing love for Atifa. Rukaiya taunts Jodha. Atifa prepares to leave with her husband. Jalal has a change of attitude completely. Maham threatens to end Chand’s life before Eid.
Thursday 19 August 2021
Episode 130
Jodha sets Khaibar free from is bondage. However, Things go wrong as Khaibar doesn’t let her go. Khaibar and Jodha wander in the jungle While Jalal is on the search for them.
Friday 20 August 2021
Episode 131
Jodha finds herself in more trouble when she unknowingly moves with some robbers. Rukaiya threatens Atifa to stay within her limits. Jodha tries her best to make Khaibar live a normal life. Her efforts go to waste as he dies in the end. Jodha apologizes to Jalal.
Saturday 21 August 2021
Episode 132
Salima encourage Jodha to win her husband love back. Jalal announces his decision to marrying Atifa on Eid day. Although he stands a chance to loose his kingship with this decision. Adham uses the situation to his own advantage.
Sunday 22 August 2021
Episode 133
Rukaiya and Jodha put their differences aside. Jodha wants to leave the palace as Jalal divorces her. Later, Maham is shocked as Chand is missing from the cave. Atifa unveils her dangerous nature and beheads the king right on their marriage spot.
Monday 23 August 2021
Episode 134
However, Jalal shows he is one step ahead. Nigaar comes forward with Chand leaving everyone stunned. Maham’s game is finally over. Jalal apologizes to his wives and unites with Jodha once again. Adham is stripped of his position as well.
Tuesday 24 August 2021
Episode 135
Jodha initiates Rukaiya and Salima in her plan to cheer Jalal up. Adham misses his target and hits Javeda with his sword while trying to kill jalal. Atgah pays the ultimate price for his loyalty to the king. On hearing the news about Atgah’s death, Jalal takes law into his hands and brutally kills Adham.
Wednesday 25 August 2021
Episode 136
Everyone perform Atgah’s last rites. Maham refuses to accept the reality of her son’s death. She lays a curse on Jodha unborn kids. A frustrated Jalal sets his throne on fire.
Thursday 26 August 2021
Episode 137
Sharif slaps Bakshi for discussing a female child. Jodha encourage Jalal to take up his responsibility. Rukaiya’s childlessness starts to ignite the jealousy in her. Bakshi delivers a baby girl. Jodha finds out that Bakshi lied to the family.
Friday 27 August 2021
Episode 138
Sharif learns his child’s real gender from the priest. Jalal is pissed at Bakshi for tolerating so much torture.
Saturday 28 August 2021
Episode 139
Sharif apologizes to Bakshi for his mistakes. Knowing fully well that it’s a bad omen for a pregnant Jodha, Rukaiya intentionally swings an empty baby cot. Rukaiya makes a shocking request to Jalal. Sharif uses his daughter as a way to get close to Jodha. Rukaiya drags Jalal to court for not fufilling her wish of becoming a mother.
Sunday 29 August 2021
Episode 140
Rukaiya plays like a chameleon; who changes colour all the time. Maham restricts Javeda from coming to visit her in jail. Jodha decides to hand over one of her unborn twins to Rukaiya. Jalal is unpleased with this.
Monday 30 August 2021
Episode 141
Maham is dying yet she doesn’t take medicines. Rahim playfully leads Jodha to where Humanyun biography is written. Jodha and Javeda concoct a lie to save Maham’s life.
Tuesday 31 August 2021
Episode 142
Meanwhile, Sharif and his father team up against Jalal.