Usha says to Twinkle that i want you to say for this relation too, Twinkle says how can you think like this maa? i am of Kunj only, i can never be of someone else than Kunj, Usha says its difficult to live life alone, Twinkle says i am not alone, you all are with me, and Yuvi is with me too as my friend but i can never be of someone else, nobody can separate me from Kunj, Kunj is my life, dont separate me from him, please, Usha says i understand your pain, its not easy to ask your daughter in law to marry someone else, i am doing this for my family, Yuvi ash changed, he is like our son now, he is always with us, always help us, sameway he will always stand by your side, i want you to start afresh, think about your baby,
Yuvi will take care of you, he cares about you alot, say yes for marriage, Babee says Usha is right, say yes for this marriage, Leela agrees, Babee says we will die one day too, Twinkle says how you people can think that i cant take care of my baby? i am not that weak, i can not think about anyone than Kunj, i can never marry anyone, my Kunj is always with me and till then not me neither my baby is alone, nobody can separate me from him, she cries and leaves, Yuvi goes to talk to her, Leela says to Usha that Twinkle will take time but you understood mother’s pain and accepted everything, i have to say that Twinkle is lucky to get mother in law like you, Usha is emotional.
Yuvi comes to Twinkle and says we have talked alot, we have fought alot but today i dont know what to say, i have destroyed everything, i tried to break every relation, i tried to kill every emotion but today for first time i have got chance to rectify all this, Usha came to me with so much possession, so much right she asked me about marriage, trust me it was difficult for me too but when i saw you in this situation then i remembered your and my mother’s situation, my mother and your mother have raised us alone but we always missed our dads, we used to discuss and miss our dads, you were lucky to get your dad back, i got on wrong path maybe because i didnt have dad, he would have beat me but would have never allowed me to go on wrong path, father become friends for kids, i dont want your baby to miss his dad, i will always be there on your side, you cannot give me position of your husband but can be my friend for life,
i have taken this decision for my family’s happiness and for this baby, i wont be able to love anyone else than Kunj, i will remain of Kunj till death, dont have any hopes from my side, Yuvi says thats why i respect you so much, Twinkle says this is all because of my family and my baby, Yuvi thinks that fate has again brought us together, i know you are only Kunj’s and i just hope to keep you happy.
Kunj says to himself that tomorrow i will meet Twinkle, everything will become fine. Twinkle in room thinks that i never thought i would move on but you will remain in my heart forever. Yuvi in his room thinks that tomorrow my life is going to change but i will make sure to keep Twinkle and her family happy, i will fulfill my duties.
Its morning, Kunj comes out of hospital and prays that i know Twinkle might not recognize me but make everything fine. Pallavi sees him and thinks how to tell him that Yuvi and Twinkle are coming closer, Pallavi says i hope you get everything you prayed for but even if you dont get it then never lose hope, always be strong, Kunj nods, he sits in car and leaves.
Kunj is in car and going to his house. Otherside Twinkle and Yuvi are dressed as bride and groom, they exchange garlands and sits in mandap. Pundit starts mantras, all are happy except Twinkle, she is lifeless and sad. In car kunj smiles and thinks that i will meet my sayappa queen, i am dying to see happiness of your face. Kunj comes to Sarna house, he gets down from car and looks at his house from outside, he says see Twinkle, your Kunj has comeback, he sees gate locked and says where did everyone go? he sees Leela’s house all decorated and says there is some function in Leela maa’s house, Twinkle must be there.
Yuvi and Twinkle gets up for pheras, they start taking pheras, Kunj is coming there. Kunj comes in Leela’s house, one guest says Twinkle is looking nice, Kunj smiles listening this and comes forward to see Twinkle, he sees Twinkle taking pheras with Yuvi, he is shocked, Sajna ve’s sad version plays, Pundit says take last phera then you both will be married, Twinkle walks forward and takes phera, Kunj is stunned. Pundit asks Yuvi to put sindoor in her forehead, Twinkle recalls how Kunj had applied it to her on their marriage, Yuvi applies sindoor on Twinkle’s forehead, Twinkle closes her eyes, Kunj is hurt seeing all this. Yuvi makes Twinkle wear mangalsutra, Kunj is distort, Twinkle is sad too, Pundit says this marriage is done, you both can take elders blessing, Babee, Usha everyone smiles at Twinkle and Yuvi, Kunj cant believe this, he takes step backwards and goes out.
5Years later in show
Guests are coming in Sarna house, there is some function. Usha calls girl Suman and asks her to come fast, i am waiting for you, she ends call. She is busy in preparations. Babee calls her name, she smiles at Usha, Babee says you didnt apply mehndi? we have less time for Karvachauth, ladies have come too, Usha says yes i am seeing preparations, Babee says i will handle everything, where is Twinkle? Usha asys Yuvi has taken her to parlour, he was saying that my Twinkle should apply best mehndi, Babee says then they will go to Leela’s house too as their favorite daughter is there, they cant live without her, usha says they both become child with her too, they smile.
Yuvi is driving bike, Twinkle is sitting behind him, she asks him to drive slower, he says you could have come by walking, my bike is helicopter, Twinkle says drive slow else i will jump off bike, Yuvi drives more faster, Twinkle says i will apply mehndi on your face, Yuvi says you are trying to warn me? people will see flying sikhni now, get ready to fly. He drives faster. They come home, Twinkle says cant you drive slower? what if anything had happen to Prisha’s things? Yuvi says nothing will happen to my Prisha’s things, you take care of my mehndi, i will take care of Prisha, she is my darling princess, Twinkle asks him to give her Prisha’s things, Yuvi says go inside and work, tomorrow is Prisha’s birthday, you havent done anything except for buying pink dress for her, i have to work in this house otherwise no work is done in this house, Twinkle smiles at him.
Yuvi and Twinkle comes to Leela’s house, Twinkle daughter Prisha hugs them, Yuvi shows her gifts, she says its for me? he says yes its for our cute little princess, Prisha kisses Yuvi on cheeks, Yuvi is flattered and says to Twinkle that see Prisha loves me more, Twinkle says are you done with your showing off? Yuvi takes selfie with Prisha, Prisha leaves, Leela says she didnt finish her fruits. Twinkle says i can take my selfie alone, she starts taking selfie, Yuvi goes to her and stands behind her showing toy in picture, Twinkle says what are you doing? Yuvi says Leela Maa you must have not seen Ex- Miss Amritsar with duck toy, you are like duck twinkle, Twinkle says you are like monkye, how dare you call me duck? she runs behind him to beat him, he runs away from her, Twinkle slips and lands in Yuvi’s arms, they share eyelock, Kaise mujhe tum mil gaye song plays, Leela smiles seeing them close, Yuvi says this is perfect selfie moment, Yuvi holds Twinkle in arms and takes selfie with her, she poses with him and says i am looking pretty, Yuvi says you are duck, Twinkle teases him, Leela says you both are like kids too, she laughs and leaves, Twinkle looks at Yuvi, he goes from there. Prisha comes to Twinkle and says my ball is stuck, bring it down for me. Twinkle sees her stuck in basket net, she stands on ladder to bring it down., Yuvi comes there with Leela, Yuvi says she started doing stunts again, he asks Twinkle to come down, this ladder cant bear your weight, Twinkle says you are calling me fat? you monkey? Yuvi says be careful, give me hand, Yuvi says why dont you listen to me ever? Twinkle says when you say something sensible only then i will listen to you, Twinkle slips from ladder and falls in Yuvi’s arms. One servant clicks their photo in that pose. Yuvi smiles at Twinkle, she looks at him confused, they share eyelock, music plays, Yuvi says you would have fallen if i was not there, Twinkle says Yuvi my savior, my hero as if you were not present then i would have become injured, Yuvi says like seriously? she says seriously. One woman comes there, Prisha runs and hugs her calling her mother, mother thanks Leela, Prisha is her daughter, Leela says i have opened this day care to help working women like you, Prisha is special, she is part of family now, i have one complaint, she doesnt eat fruits, mother says i will leave now, she leaves with Prisha. Twinkle is sad, Leela and Yuvi notices it.
Usha looks at Kunj’s picture in her room and starts crying, Bebee comes there , Usha tries to look fine, Babee sits beside her and says why you keep looking at your wounds? after so many years, Twinkle have forgotten Kunj and have started to live again, if you try to become weak then think what will happen to Twinkle? Usha says what can i do? in these five years, i have shown strength but i cant forget my son, i keep remembering him and i cant stop my tears coming down, so much changed in these years, i lost my son, Twinkle lost her husband then she lost her baby too, we had hopes to live life with Kunj’s baby but God didnt want that too, Babee says we all wanted to welcome Twinkle’s baby but you know after Kunj was gone, Twinkle was in trauma, she was in stress and because of that we couldnt save baby, even after that Twinkle showed strength, if you become weak then Twinkle will break down too so you have to control yourself, you know Leela have opened day care, Twinkle gets happy there, she gets happy seeing kids of other people, Usha says if Kunj was here today then everything would have been fine, Babee says i wish Kunj was here.
In street fight ground, Rocky Singh comes in ring, all chant for him.
Twinkle comes down in function of Karvachauth. Babee says moon is going to come out soon, Yuvi is there too, same servant is spying on Twinkle. One lady says moon will come out late today, Yuvi says to himself that innocent Twinkle didnt eat or drink anything in whole day, dont know how much she would have to wait.
in boxing ring, all are chanting for Rocky, Rocky remembers Twinkle and Yuvi’s marriage, he takes off hoodie, its Kunj. Kunj starts fight but gets beaten by other fighter, he angrily looks at fighter and recalls Twinkle and Yuvi’s marriage again, he starts beating fighter but gets beaten again, he lies on floor, recalls their marriage again, he gets up and beats fighter, he wins the fight, all chant for Rocky/Kunj.
Yuvi says to himself that i have to do something otherwise Twinkle will get ill without eating anything, should i bring fake moon? no thats bad idea, i should say that moon has come in Dehli. Usha comes to him and says i knew you would do something like this, you care for Twinkle alot but this fast is done by wives for their husbands, if she breaks her fast before moon then it can be bad omen, i have lost my son earlier too and i dont want to loose my son again, Yuvi says your son will always be with you Maa, he caresses her face, usha smiles.
Kunj says in boxing ring that i had to win because i am not loser.
Read Next: Fire and Ice Wednesday Update 16 October 2019