Naren asking Gudiya to give puja flower to her mum. She gives to Chandani. Chandani gets emotional and hugs her. Everyone gets teary eyes. Pooja looks on. Chandani says I got many names in this street, and for the first time I got respect. She thanks him. Rahul wakes up at other kotha and asks the pr*stitute why did people gather here. Pooja sees him and clicks his photo with the pr*stitute. She thinks so he brought Naren here. Rahul sees Pooja and gets tensed. Supriya asks Harsha to stay in the outhouse and asks how you will manage in 2 rooms. Harsha says so you means outside the house. Supriya says I thought it has 3 rooms and nobody will have any problem. Harsha agrees and understands Neelima is behind it. Rakesh asks where is Mayank? Supriya says he is in Naren’s farm and
tells that Pooja is making them work in farm. Rakesh says Mayank will learn hard work this way.
Rahul is leaving. Pooja calls him and says what did you think that you will ruin Naren’s character. Rahul asks how you will stop me and says Naren has spend night here. Pooja says Naren had returned home yesterday itself and says you have spent night here. She warns him to stay in his limits and shows his pic, else she will expose him. Neelima calls Rahul and asks him to come home. Rahul tells that he is in ghat with Naren.
Neelima asks him to come. Pooja says you can’t harm Naren. Naren teaches kids. Other kids also come there. Naren teaches them. Pooja sees him teaching kids and smiles….song plays…She thinks his intention is good, but how can kids study in this environment. She thinks Harish will not support him and thinks to get his school shifted to some other place. She calls him and says you are doing a good work, and says such people are found rarely and people like us couldn’t understand your intentions. Naren asks her to help him. Pooja asks him to take classes in his farm and says kids will study well. Naren asks what is wrong here? Pooja says don’t think me wrong, how can kids study in this environment. Naren says you have problem with the dance, and says even you danced during Bua ji’s birthday. He asks her to return if she don’t want to stay.
Anuj brings breakfast for Rachel and asks her to get ready for dance class. Kusum asks her when she will give rent. Rachel says Anuj will talk to you. Anuj takes her outside and tells that she will give rent at month last. He thinks from where to get 5000 Rs.
Mayank talks to Bholu and thinks he doesn’t know why he is missing Pooja. He thinks something is different in Pooja. He tells that he can’t talk infront of her. Kids come and asks other kids to come and play. Gudiya is still sitting. Naren tells Gudiya that they will study for sometime and then she can play. Pooja tells that that’s why she said that children shall study in farm house.
Naren says when you see this place with wrong perspective, you will see it wrong. He says you think this place wrong and that’s why you have hidden your face. Pooja asks him to think about Supriya and Harish. Naren calls her coward and asks her to go, if she really wants to help him, then remove the fear veil. She goes. Chandani tries to stop her, but Mohini stops her. Pooja walks out and thinks of Kusum’s warning and Naren’s words. Just then she sees Satish coming there in rickshaw. She wonders what Mama is doing here? Satish is going to Rang Mahal and gets Kusum’s call. He says he will deliver Sitar and come. Pooja follows him. Chandani opens the door and greets Satish. Satish also talks to her nicely and says he has repaired her sitar. Chandani calls him inside. Pooja thinks what will Mama think of Naren if he sees him inside.
Satish coming inside the brothel. Pooja comes inside. Chandani tells Satish that her daughter have started studying now. Satish tries to see who is teaching Gudiya and sees Naren’s face. He says Naren baba…you. Naren gets up and greets him. Satish tells that Chandani told me that you took responsibility to teach this street kids. Naren says someone have to take initiative. Satish says you are doing good work, and says someday I will talk to you, and will learn something from you. Naren looks on. Satish says I am happy that Pooja is working under your shelter. Chandani brings mango juice for Satish and Naren. They drink it. Satish tells that he will leave now. Pooja hides seeing Satish leaving. She thinks Naren said right that there is nothing wrong in place, but problem is in
our thinking and perspective to look at the place. She thinks if Mama can come here, and respects Naren so much then why I am rethinking. She thinks Naren deserves respect in every way.
Chandani comes to her and gives her juice asking her to drink. She says even Naren tasted it, so it is like we have kept bhog for God. Pooja smiles and takes the glass. She drinks and returns glass to Chandani. She smiles thinking about Naren. Jogi tera mann song plays….She recalls Naren saving her. Naren is teaching Gudiya and tells that her friends might come back and study again. Gudiya says my friends will not return. Pooja brings her friends. Kids ask Naren to teach him. Pooja recalls telling kids that Gudiya will become a great woman and will become clever by studying, and have new toys, clothes and gifts also. Kids tell Pooja that they want to give gift to their mums. Fb ends. Pooja smiles.
Naren looks at her. She tells that she is leaving. Naren says one kid is less among them. Pooja looks at him. He asks her to study with the kids and asks her to live her life fully with independence and says you will feel light. Pooja smiles. She takes off dupatta from her head… Song Jogiya plays…..Naren smiles. Chandani smiles. Naren gives slate to Pooja. Pooja sits with the kids.
Harish tells Rakesh that they have to crack this deal. Rakesh tells that office is same as well. Harsha says Supriya is still keeping mum’s made systems at home. Neelima checks the food and asks who likes arbi at home. Harsha tells that Hardik likes it. Harsha tells that she will take care of kitchen work and says don’t know when I will get chance again to pamper my brothers. She says kitchen dept is mine now. Neelima and Supriya looks at each other. Harsha asks if they are not talking. Neelima goes. Harsha tells that she will make everything fine and asks them to have food. Harish gets a phone call and gets tensed. He tells Rakesh that he will come in 5 mins and goes inside. His hands are shaken up while picking the call and says Ram Ram Bhola Babu and tells that Kapoor brought gift for Naren again yesterday and asks them to plan to come to India. He is shocked, but promises to take care of Amma. He ends the call and is very much shocked.
Supriya gives medicine to Harish. He tells her that Bhola Babu’s mum is coming to India for Gangotri yatra and will stay here for a day. She wants to meet Naren and asks what we will say. He says we had taken 3 months from Bhola Babu and tells that we called Pooja for this reason. He says it is necessary for him to become fine.
Naren is teaching kids. Some goons come there and asks Chandani that a big sait is coming here to watch dance and asks her to get ready. Chandani says there is still time for mehfil. Naren tells that we can’t stop kids from getting education. Goon asks him to stop giving lecture and makes the kids get up. Naren stops them. Goon tells that mehfil is needed, else asks Naren to earn for them. Pooja tries to stop him. Chandani promises Raja Babu, the goon that mehfil will be ready in sometime and asks Naren to go. Gudiya looks on sad.
Read Next: Deception Thursday update 23 January 2020