Pooja tells Mishra ji that Naren will give him update. Naren talks to him. Mayank says bhai knows much about farming. He asks when we will bring animals from NGO. Pooja asks him to bring Shed’s insurance papers. Mayank asks Insurance. Pooja says Insurance will help us. Mayank tells Naren that Pooja is scolding him like a teacher. Naren laughs. Pooja asks him to work.
Later she serves food to Naren and Mayank. Naren asks if she haven’t brought sabodana. She asks him to have it at home and says if you don’t have this food then you will fall ill, have to work hard at home. He coughs. She pats on his back. Naren asks why she is hiding her hand and asks her to show to Doctor. Pooja says she is fine and asks him to ask Mayank.
Harish asks Supriya to clean the room for Harsha. Supriya says okay. She asks Servant to keep flowers in the room. Neelima talks rudely to her and says I use that room for my yoga. Supriya says it was Harsha’s room only. Neelima says before her marriage and says you don’t have courtesy to ask me, and asks her to give guest room to them. Supriya says we are giving guest room to Mayank and asks three people will adjust in one room. Neelima says that is not my problem.
Rahul is keeping eye on Naren’s farm from far through binoculars. Mayank tells Pooja that 25 kgs vegetables are grown in his farm. Naren says he don’t sell, some of vegetables are used in house and some, he gives to the needy. Pooja says she saw in Dehradun Mall, and says Organic items are sold at double prize. She tells that sometimes we have to think about ourselves. She asks him to think about his animals. Rahul thinks this naukrani is stuck with him, and thinks how to make her go far. Just then she hurts her injured hand and sees blood coming out. She hides her hand. Rahul smiles and thinks now Bhai will come out of Lakshman Rekha.
Naren getting Rahul’s call and he asks if he is fine. He asks about Pooja and says she has a deep wound. Naren checks Pooja’s hands and sees blood coming out. He asks if this is a small wound. Pooja says we can’t stop living due to a small injury. Naren asks her to visit Doctor. Mayank says I will take her. Pooja thinks I don’t want to leave you alone, but can’t refuse you. They leave. Rahul thinks Chandani will take care of Naren now. Naren thinks if Pooja have something.
Kusum asks Rachel about Rachel thinking her to be Ritu. Rachel says she traps guys and tells that she has trapped Anuj. She says Pooja knows her and had defeated her in dance class. Kusum gets angry.
Naren sees Chandani crying and talking to Rahul. Chandani sees him and runs as per
plan. Rahul tells Naren that Chandani wants to die being lonely and asks him to counsel her for humanity sake. Naren falls in his words.
Doctor bandages Pooja’s hand. Pooja thinks about Naren and asks Mayank to go back to farm. Doctor checks her wound and says it is deep. Pooja says she have to go as her boss is alone and asks him to make a small bandage as her boss gets afraid seeing big bandage. Mayank thinks how can she be so dedicated and thinking about Naren. He thinks her concern is genuine. Rahul brings Naren to Chandani’s brothel and keeps his phone. Mayank goes to do the payment. Pooja calls naren. Rahul feels pity on her and says what you will do, I have brought your boss here from under your nose. He asks Naren to go to Chandani’s house. Chandani looks at him from balcony and says that girl took you away from here, and says you are welcome here. Pooja is restless and asks Mayank to come in auto, as time will waste if they wait for taxi. Rahul asks Naren to save Chandani’s life and talk to her alone, and says her life is in your hands now. Pooja calls Naren. Mayank asks her not to take tension and says he might have forgot phone somewhere..
Pooja comes to the brothel and sees Chandani shedding fake tears. She asks him to return and says today she can’t perform. Naren says he came to share her pain. Chandani asks really. She signs someone to sign Rahul. Rahul thinks what you will do Pooja? Pooja thinks I hope Naren is fine and is worried. The woman mixes some medicine powder in the drink. Rahul goes inside and takes Naren’s pic. He thinks he will show pics to Vyas family and ruin him. Naren asks Chandani why she is sad. Chandani says she didn’t get anyone to share her sadness and says love is an impossible thing for us. She asks where are those people who have a real heart. Naren says this is life. Chandani says I will die one day and says it is best if I end my life with my hand. Naren asks her to peep in her life and tries to motivate her for life. Chandani holds his hand and says somebody came here to become my humraaz. Suddenly Naren sees some toy and asks Chandani.
Pooja comes back to farm and asks Mishra ji. Mishra ji says he left after you left. Mayank asks her not to take tension. Pooja is worried. Mayank apologizes to Pooja for being rude with her and says I thought you wrong. Pooja says even I doubted on you, and says you are not bad. She calls Naren. Mayank says I will call him. Rahul dances with the other dancer.
Chandani tells Naren that she will see whose toy is this and asks him to be there. She goes to room and asks little girl to come out. Naren also comes there. Chandani scolds the girl and asks her to understand that her destiny is not like other kids. Naren asks if this is your daughter. Chandani pretends to be shocked.
Naren getting shock seeing Chandani’s daughter and asks why did you caged your own daughter for money. Chandani says I have hidden this fact since she has taken birth and says it is the worst thing for her, and she did this due to her helplessness. She tells that people comes to rang mahal to see color and not to see a mum. She says this is truth of our lives. Naren holds the little girl’s hand and sees her burn. He hugs her. Malanga Re plays….He asks her name. She tells Gudiya. Naren asks her to come with him. Chandani asks where are you taking her. Naren takes her to hall and asks when did she get burn mark. She says with crackers. Naren asks didn’t you learn at school about the safety measures. Gudiya says she don’t go to school. Chandani asks why he is making fun
on them and says she don’t go to school. She says she is a bad mum. She says many NGO people come here and sympathizes with us, gets pics clicked and leave. She asks Naren with which relation, he is showing sympathy and asks him to return to his world. Naaren holds the little girl’s hand. The woman Mohini who have added some drugs in Naren’s drink brings the drink for him. Chandani throws it and says we had added drugs for you to ruin you, but you seems to be a good guy. Naren looks on.
Pooja and mayank return home. Supriya asks about Naren. Pooja tells that he is at farm and will come soon. Mayank tells that he was tired so he came. Supriya asks Mayank to come as Harsha asked her to send some stuff. Pooja worries for Naren and thinks where did he go? She asks Gopal if Rahul returned home. Gopal says no. Pooja thinks if Naren is with Rahul and is about to call him, just then she sees Naren coming home. She tries to talk to him. Naren goes to his room and locks himself. Pooja hopes he is not worried about anything. Naren feels bad about the girl and punishes himself recalling Chandani’s words. Mayank comes and says good morning. Pooja says you are getting better. She says she will bring Naren.
Mayank says we will go farm together. Pooja looks at him. He says okay, as you wish. Pooja goes to Naren’s room and couldn’t see him. She lifts his shirt and gets perfume smell. She recalls Chandani and sees Naren going on his bike. She follows him in auto and sees Naren buying flowers and kumkum. She is shocked. She follows him and comes to Rang gali. She calls Naren and asks what you are doing here, come with me. Naren asks why you are following me. Pooja asks him to think of his family. Naren goes inside ignoring her. Pooja thinks what is going on in his mind. Naren comes to Chandani. Chandani asks you? She asks why did you come here? Pooja tries to peep inside through window. Naren shows the kumkum bottle and says he came here for make relation. Pooja is shocked. Chandani is surprised.
Chandani asks what is this joke? Naren says we are not of the age to joke. He says he didn’t come here to show fake sympathy and says this is the answer to your question. He tells her that many relations are made in this world and says he wants to make a relation which will have trust in it. He says he wants to become Guru of Gudiya and want to teach her and give his learning which he got from his mum. Chandani is touched by his gesture and nods. Mohini brings Gudiya there. Naren asks Gudiya if you will make me your teacher. Gudiya nods. Naren says I will take your class from today itself and asks them to make her ready. Chandani is in tears.
Neelima tells Supriya that she will not give gym room to Harsha and asks her to sort out her problem. Harsha and Rakesh come to stay in the house. Harsha tells that she will live her childhood fully and asks Servant to keep her stuff in her old room. Supriya asks her to have breakfast and tea first. Harsha asks about Naren. Supriya asks Rakesh to sit.
Chandani brings Gudiya after getting her ready and says from today you are her Guru. Naren asks Gudiya to come with her. Pooja hides hearing him opening the door. Chandani asks where you are taking her. Naren asks her to trust him. They go with Naren. Pooja is tensed and follows them. He takes Gudiya to nearby temple. Malanga Re plays….He makes Gudiya pray infront of God and applies tilak on her forehead. Chandani, Mohini and others are touched and happy. Pooja looks on cluelessly.
Read Next: Deception Wednesday update 22 January 2020